Adam Szeidl

Department of Economics and Business
Central European University
Vienna, Austria

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Phone: +43 1252302124

Curriculum Vitae

Working Papers

The Political Economy of Alternative Realities (with Ferenc Szucs), January 2024.

Forthcoming or Published Papers

Indirect Effects of Access to Finance (with Jing Cai), American Economic Review 114, 2308-51, August 2024. Online appendix
Media Capture through Favor Exchange (with Ferenc Szucs), Econometrica 89, 281-310, January 2021. Online appendix
Fishing for Fools (with Ulrike Malmendier), Games and Economic Behavior 122, 105-129, 2020.
Learning to Import from Your Peers (with Marta Bisztray and Miklos Koren), Journal of International Economics 115, 242-258, 2018. Online appendix
Interfirm Relationships and Business Performance (with Jing Cai), Quarterly Journal of Economics 133(3), 1229-1282, 2018. Online appendix
The Effect of Housing on Portfolio Choice (with Raj Chetty and Laszlo Sandor), Journal of Finance 72(3): 1171-1212, 2017.
Consumption Commitments and Habit Formation (with Raj Chetty), Econometrica 84(2): 855-890, 2016. Supplementary appendix; Replication material.
Imported Inputs and Productivity (with Laszlo Halpern and Miklos Koren), American Economic Review, 105(12), 3660-3703, 2015.
Consumption Risk-sharing in Social Networks (with Attila Ambrus and Markus Mobius), American Economic Review, 104(1): 149-182, 2014. Supplementary appendix
A Model of Focusing in Economic Choice (with Botond Koszegi), Quarterly Journal of Economics 128(1): 53-107, 2013. Earlier version
Trust and Social Collateral (with Dean Karlan, Markus Mobius and Tanya Rosenblat), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 124(3): 1307-1361, 2009.
Core and Periphery in Networks (with Daniel Hojman), Journal of Economic Theory, 139(1): 295-309, 2008.
Consumption Commitments and Risk Preferences (with Raj Chetty), Quarterly Journal of Economics 122(2): 831-877, 2007.
Community Size and Network Closure (with Hunt Allcott, Dean Karlan, Markus Mobius and Tanya Rosenblat), American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 97(2): 80-85, 2007.
Existence of Equilibrium in Large Double Auctions (with Drew Fudenberg and Markus Mobius), Journal of Economic Theory 133(1): 550-567, 2007.
Optimal Integration Strategies for the Multinational Firm (with Gene Grossman and Elhanan Helpman), Journal of International Economics 70: 216-238, 2006.
Endogenous Networks, Social Games and Evolution (with Daniel Hojman), Games and Economic Behavior 55(1): 112-130, 2006.
Complementarities between Outsourcing and Foreign Sourcing (with Gene Grossman and Elhanan Helpman), American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 95(2): 19-24, 2005.
Local Interaction, Contagion and State-Dependent Mutation (with In-Ho Lee and Akos Valentinyi) Berkeley Electronic Journals, Advances in Theoretical Economics (2002) Vol. 3: No.1, Article 2.

Older projects

Treasure Hunt: Social Learning in the Field (with Markus Mobius and Tuan Phan), March 2015.
Measuring Trust in Peruvian Shantytowns (with Dean Karlan, Markus Mobius and Tanya Rosenblat), July 2015. Slides
Stable Invariant Distribution in Buffer-Stock Savings and Stochastic Growth Models, April 2013. Draft from January 2008

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